Today petrol prices in Pakistan

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The information provided here has been updated as at 21 September -22, 02:15 PM hrs.
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Product | Rs/Litre |
Super | 237.43 |
Diesel | 247.43 |
What is current price of petrol in Pakistan?
As mentioned in the table above, PKR 235.98 is the petrol price in Pakistan today. 2022 is the year in which prices of petroleum products have skyrocketed, mainly due to the uncertain economic situation and rising inflation.
source : Latest Petrol Prices in Pakistan — September 2022
What is the rate of 1 litre petrol in Pakistan?
Pakistan Gasoline prices, 19-Sep-2022
Pakistan Gasoline prices | Litre | Gallon |
PKR | 235.980 | 893.281 |
USD | 0.987 | 3.736 |
EUR | 0.990 | 3.748 |
Source: Pakistan gasoline prices, 19-Sep-2022 –
What is the price of oil in Pakistan?
The finance division notified the new prices of petroleum products with effect from September 01, 2022. The price of petrol has been increased by Rs2. 07 per liter to Rs235. 98 from Rs233.
Source: New petroleum prices in Pakistan from September 01, 2022
What is the price of petrol and diesel in Pakistan today?
Shell Station Price Board
Product | Rs/Litre |
Super | 235.98 |
Diesel | 247.43 |
source: Shell Station Price Board